Blog Title: It’s maknae Kaeun o(*^▽^*)o~♪
Date: 31st July 2012
Hello *^^* It’s After School’s maknae, Kaeun o(*^▽^*)o~♪
Soon it will be August! The top of the heat
But, Kaeun’s waiting so~ much~ for~ August :-D
On August there’s Jungah unnie’s Birthday~ and E-young unnie’s birthday too~
My unnies’ birthday will pass and… That’s right! Mine! Kaeun’s birthday is also in August! (′∀`*) Hahaha~
Jungah unnie, E-young unnie, and also, mine are all in August so I want to express my greetings for everyone!
ヘ(*^0^*)ノHappy Birthday To You♪
Then~ since it will be the day you’ll be greeting everyone’s birthday, I will show you a nice powerful stage in return!!!
Fighting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (´ε`*)♪
by Kaeun.
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